20 Dirty Truths About Blogging | You may not get anywhere else

Blogging isn't all lilies and roses not is it a drag or a burden. Its a small mixture of the 2 at times. Wait wait as a new blogger or seasoned blogger you will appreciate the low down dirty truths that comes with be a blogger and blogging. If you are a new blogger you … Continue reading 20 Dirty Truths About Blogging | You may not get anywhere else

You are not qualified…If you feel this decision is in error..please appeal

Not qualified. What a bunch of malarkey? This isn't one of those I am not really qualified but just want to complain blog post people, I actually qualify. Let me give  you the back drop of the story. I work for the county, for a specific department. In the county there are many departments you … Continue reading You are not qualified…If you feel this decision is in error..please appeal