Day 6 of 8: (Surprise party for me??) Green Smoothie Cleanse

I have temporary fallen off the FULL green smoothie cleanse. Yesterday I went modified. Modified with juicing or smoothies means you have 1 sensible meal and two smoothies. Preferably 1 smoothie for breakfast and 1 for lunch then a sensible dinner of 400 calories or less. I remixed it because breakfast and dinner smoothie and … Continue reading Day 6 of 8: (Surprise party for me??) Green Smoothie Cleanse

Day 5 of 8: (Cheese Burger…Please) Green Smoothie Cleanse

WordPress Family can anyone of you pre-order me a burger for Saturday morning. Yes for breakfast Saturday morning I have MAJOR plans to order me up a nice, big & juicy burger. I'm still hanging in there. I just have to make it until Friday night. Today has me really thinking. I have read and … Continue reading Day 5 of 8: (Cheese Burger…Please) Green Smoothie Cleanse