Welcome to December | I’m calling YOU out BUT Are You Down?

It’s time for cold weather, hot cocoa, and new goals. Being that we are officially 30 days from the New Year this is about the time many people squander around to think what my New Year resolution will be. WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE I am all for planning for the future But what about the … Continue reading Welcome to December | I’m calling YOU out BUT Are You Down?

You are not qualified…If you feel this decision is in error..please appeal

Not qualified. What a bunch of malarkey? This isn't one of those I am not really qualified but just want to complain blog post people, I actually qualify. Let me give  you the back drop of the story. I work for the county, for a specific department. In the county there are many departments you … Continue reading You are not qualified…If you feel this decision is in error..please appeal