How to Level Up on a Budget

Gucci, Prada, Spa days, Trips to the Maldives, and champagne brunch on a random Tuesday at some fancy restaurant all sound like a blast but let’s face it that’s not everyone’s life story (this is real life, not social media). But that does not have to stop us from leveling up.

Let’s talk about some things that you can work on without breaking the bank, going into debt, or spending your life savings.

A good level-up story usually includes some type of physical transformation of the body. Working out does not just mean the gym you can also skip the gym. Doing things like walk, jogging, running or even a home workout could do wonders for your level up and does not have to cost you anything to work out.

You have probably heard you are what you eat (in this case I’m a big ole gummy bear filled with energy drinks …but I digress) The food you eat can level up your body and mind so just keep it simple eat oatmeal, fruit, meat, vegetables, and a whole bunch of water. 

You have also probably heard you feel as good as you look. For many of us, the face that we have is just that, what we have and other than cosmetic enhancement it’s all we have but what you can change is your Wardrobe. It’s that time to get rid of the stuff that doesn’t fit, take a look at a few fashion magazines, blogs, and youtube channels to put some pizzazz in what you wear. You can find affordable items online and in thrift shops. If you must buy a designer spare your wallet and see if you can purchase a preloved one. 

It’s time for some personal beautification. You can learn almost anything on youtube: how to do makeup, how to do your hair, how to do your nails… you get my drift. Invest some time and a reasonable amount of money in – drug store make, DIY hair and nails 

Leveling up is about the who sha-bang so its time to get out of the house and attend events you can look for free events in your city or the nearest big city near you, you can volunteer at an event to be in the mix or attend low cost, try museums (some are free and say you can donate), charity events and college events. Time to get out and show off the better version of you.

Remember you do not have to go at any of this all at once. The best suggestion is whichever one of these seems most challenging work on that first. Do it for 21 days and see if you see any change. If you do it for yourself….you will see the change. 

Please take care of yourself and remember you are important.


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Watch some videos about leveling up on a budget

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