Tough Love Tuesday *Weightloss Edition*

Person: I worked out all week but I haven’t loss any weight

My TOUGH LOVE: You worked out all week but what the heck did you eat? You can workout for hours but if you ate all junk for the whole week you will probably just maintain or worst gain.

Person: I ate a salad today

My TOUGH LOVE: Yeah you ate a salad but you went overboard on the RANCH dressing which negates the entire idea of eating a suitable salad with a minimal to descent amount of dressing.

Person: I walk everyday why don’t I look thinner yet

My TOUGH LOVE: Walking is always a great starting place but you may have to add some jog/run intervals before results will start to show. Give it time you can’t walk for only 1 week but expect drastic results.

Person: I go to zumba 3 days a week but I don’t have rock hard abs yet.

My TOUGH LOVE: Okay this one is my favorite. YOU HAVE TO DO hardcore shit to get hardcore results. No disrespect to zumba but you will not get the same results from zumba 3 times a week like you would if you did HIIT or T25 or Bodycombat( yes I am guilty I am a beachbody believer) My point is you have to step up your workouts to get the results you want and again give it time even most programs tell you it will take 30 to 60 even 90 days to see a transformation and you have to follow the program and commit

Person: I had soy milk with my frappe, that’s a good alternative

My TOUGH LOVE: I’m glad you choose a alternative to regular milk but what was the point when you got the largest cup Starbucks has and added extra extra caramel to your drink. That defeated the whole purpose of choosing your alternative.

Person: I know I shouldn’t eat the baked treats my co-worker brought into the office

My TOUGH LOVE: I too have fallen victim to the work potlucks, birthday, holiday or appreciation treats but YOU don’t have to accept everything offered to you and you also don’t have to take a large amount of anything. Want the doughnut cut it in half, want some cake cut a thin slice,want the bagel share it with a coworker and go light on the cream cheese, making a coffee run get the smallest cup they have not the largest.Not saying you can’t join in on the treats at work just be mindful of what you eat and how much.

These are things that different people have shared with me but I had to be honest. Why because I was once there with my excuses or reasons why thing weren’t changing . But when we become serious about our weight loss these things start to make more sense.

Lets sum this up

  1. Drink water nothing else
  2. Workout 2 days beast 3 days regular
  3. Eat 80% clean and 20% dirty (no body is perfect)


16 thoughts on “Tough Love Tuesday *Weightloss Edition*

  1. JentheChin says:

    I’m totally the “person”. I feel like in 30 days of juicing I should have lost 85 lbs. I drink a juice and look at my face to see if it’s thinner…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. journeytoward says:

    I’m totally falling in love with beach body myself! Just starting though but I love the rounds. While I completely agree with all you just said I do want to give just a reminder that some people have health issues that make it completely possible to work out all week and eat clean but still not lose a pound in a week, they might need two to three weeks to do this. One in ten women have PCOS for example, the calorie intake suggested for this is lower than other women, so the whole rule that x amount of calories equals x amount of pounds is different for them and means that it just might not be possible to do it in a week

    Liked by 1 person

    • gojenbefit says:

      I agree with you that health issues or a medical or personal nature may hender or cause a challenge for someone’s weightloss journey. I always suggest to anyone to research their weightloss startegy and see a physician before attempting anything. All of us face different factors and its up to the individual to find out what works best for them. Thank you for commenting and what beachbody program are you using ?

      Liked by 1 person

      • journeytoward says:

        Thanks for understanding! I’m doing insanity and loving it right now, however I am dealing with a tweaked ankle from rolling it on a trail the other day. Think I need to stay off it as much as possible for at least a day or so. Any suggestions of a beach body program that might do a lot of floor work, thinking laying on my back old school style. I have the beach body on demand so I can access a lot of the programs.

        Liked by 1 person

      • gojenbefit says:

        Insanity oh snap you are hardcore. Get some rest take care of that ankle. You can always get back at it when you are well rested. On demand? I have seen it , is it really worth the $? You use it on a phone or on the tv?

        Liked by 1 person

      • journeytoward says:

        Haha! I do it very slowly at the moment. I have done one round though and already see improvements so I am hooked. I do it on the TV via an Amazon firestick. I’m just starting so it seems worth paying for it to test out the products. Im also hoping my husband takes the hint and tries out one of the programs that suits his need, not because I’m concerned with his image, he looks like he is perfect health but at the end of the day he is not by any means.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. AdrienneCollins says:

    So, yesterday I was having a super off day. I was feeling pissed off, discouraged and like I wasn’t seeing any progress. After ranting to my husband for my entire lunch break about it I came back to work and read this, “YOU HAVE TO DO hardcore shit to get hardcore results.”
    Needless to say, I worked my ass off at my work out last night and this morning I woke up an hour earlier to start my new morning yoga routine. I am also starting a seven day cleanse. Thank you! Tough love is the best kind sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gojenbefit says:

      You sound like you beasted it out. I am glad you got something from this. I have been wanting to try Yoga. 7 day cleanse.. which 1 ? I am going to do the master cleanse for 3 days next week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • AdrienneCollins says:

        I recently really started liking yoga, even with all of my weight-lifting. I do “Yoga with Adriene” (coincidence on the name) on YouTube. She has beginner to advanced videos.
        The cleanse is a Jillian Michael’s thing I found. It’s not extreme like the other ones I’ve done (I still get to eat!) It’s basically 7 days of drinking 60oz of water with a detox tea bag, 1tbl of unsweetened cranberry juice and 2tbl of lemon juice. I’m always looking for new ways to drink more water so it seemed fitting! What’s a master cleanse?!

        Liked by 1 person

      • gojenbefit says:

        Wow so this is odd. I am actually doing Jillian Michaels Shredded in 30. I did not know she had a cleanse. I will be looking into that and that youtube channel. Thanks for that info. The master cleanse is with the cayenne pepper, lemon and grade b lemons. Also along with a seasalt flush and smooth move tea. It actually was not as bad as I thought it was.

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